Program Study Overview

In facing the future era of globalization, job and career opportunities across borders will become increasingly wide open. The competition to secure employment is growing tighter, both at the local and global levels. Advancing education levels, deepening competencies, and expanding networks are some anticipatory steps that need to be taken, along with the elevation of educational qualifications in the field of chemical engineering.
The Department of Chemical Engineering at UGM offers postgraduate programs with concentrations relevant to the job market and technological developments, especially in the industry. Currently, there are two options in the Master's Program available to prospective students, namely Master by Course and Master by Research. The learning outcomes are the same for both options. The difference lies in the method of delivery and emphasis on the learning process.
In the Master by Course option, students are required to take 32 credit hours of courses and 8 credit hours of research. This option is open to both recent graduates and professionals. Another option is the Master by Research, involving 8 credit hours of courses and 32 credit hours for research, thesis, and publication. The Master by Research option is exclusively available for professionals.
Vision :
To become a leading master's program in research and design in the field of chemical industry, prioritizing safety, environmental concerns, and entrepreneurship as crucial factors by the year 2025.
Mission :
To provide essential expertise in chemical engineering for the industry, preparing individuals for roles such as research engineer, process engineer, or operating engineer. Additionally, the program emphasizes process safety and risk assessment, addressing the current industry concerns in these areas.