Double Degree Program – IMT Atlantique

Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM membuka peluang Program Double Degree antara Magister Teknik Kimia dengan Master of Science in Process and Bioprocess Engineering, track Project Management for Environmental and Energy Engineering - IMT Atlantique (Perancis). Melalui program ini mahasiswa berkesempatan untuk mendapat dua gelar dari Universitas Gadjah Mada dan IMT Atlantique dalam kurun waktu studi 2 tahun. Adapun ekivalensi mata kuliah antara kedua program studi dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut.
1st YEAR IN UGM | |
Transport Phenomena (2) | Industrial Risk and Environmental Impact Analysis (2) |
Natural Resources (2) | Research Methodology (2) |
Reaction Kinetics (2) | Research Proposal Seminar (2) |
Pollution Control Engineering (2) | Philosophy of Science (2) |
Industrial Waste Proccesing (2) | Biomaerial (2) |
Biioprocess Technology (2) | |
Bioseparation and Purification (2) | |
Mathematical Modelling and Computation (3) |
Thermodynamics for Energy Systems (5) | Energy Modelling and Optimization (5) |
Renewables (5) | Management (5) |
Energy Efficiency and Services (5) | Proffesional Coacing (5) |
Energy Nerworks (5) |
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- Info terkait peluang beasiswa dan syarat administrasi pendaftaran program dapat menghubungi administrator program studi.