(The Effect of Sodium Sulfate on Metal Recovery from Spent NMC Battery Blackmass Using Leaching Method in Sulfuric Acid Solution)
Oleh : Alvian Yudhana Prawiranegara (22/495218/PTK/14422) – Magister Teknik Kimia
Permintaan baterai litium melonjak seiring perkembangan teknologi kendaraan listrik (EV) dan penyimpanan energi, yang memprediksi limbah baterai lithium-ion (LIB) mencapai 1.336,5 GWh pada tahun 2040. Baterai Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt (NMC) banyak digunakan pada EV karena densitas energy tinggi. Daur ulang baterai NMC bekas menjadi penting untuk mengatasi limbah dan mendukung ekonomi sirkular. Proses hidrometalurgi untuk daur ulang menghadapi tantangan penanganan air limbah. Penelitian ini mengoptimalkan ekstraksi Li, Ni, Mn, dan Co dari blackmass NMC bekas dengan menggunakan air limbah hidrometalurgi yang mengandung natrium sulfat dan menentukan model kinetika leaching. Asam sulfat 1,5 M digunakan dalam proses leaching dengan rasio padatan terhadap cairan (S/L) sebesar 80 g/L, pada tekanan 1 atm selama 30 menit, serta hidrogen peroksida 3% (v/v) sebagai reduktor. Pengaruh konsentrasi natrium sulfat (0,08; 0,15; 0,33; dan 0,5 M) dan suhu (30, 40, 50, dan 60°C) terhadap pemulihan litium dipelajari menggunakan ICP-OES. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan natrium sulfat meningkatkan kecepatan reaksi, menandakan efek katalisis. Kondisi optimum dengan natrium sulfat 0,15 M menghasilkan recovery logam Li 100%, Ni 89,5%, Mn 84,9%, dan Co 100%, menentukan batas natrium sulfat yang dapat ditoleransi. Model kinetika yang diajukan menggunakan Shrinking Particle Model untuk proses leaching logam Li, Ni, Mn, dan Co, diuji pada suhu 30°C, 40°C, 50°C, dan 60°C, dengan nilai SSE kumulatif ≥ 6,61 x 10−2. Reaksi kimia mengontrol jalannya proses leaching dengan energi aktivasi 31-35 kJ/mol untuk reaksi menuju produk dan 36-38 kJ/mol untuk reaksi menuju reaktan.
Kata Kunci: Baterai NMC Bekas, Daur Ulang, Hidrometalurgi, Natrium Sulfat, air limbah.
The demand for lithium batteries has surged with the advancement of electric vehicle (EV) technology and energy storage, predicting lithium-ion battery (LIB) waste to reach 1,336.5 GWh by 2040. Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt (NMC) batteries are widely used in EVs due to their high energy density. Recycling spent NMC batteries is crucial to address future waste issues and support a circular economy.
However, hydrometallurgical recycling processes face challenges in managing wastewater. This study aims to optimize the extraction of Li, Ni, Mn, and Co from spent NMC blackmass using hydrometallurgical wastewater containing sodium sulfate and to determine the leaching kinetics model. Sulfuric acid (1.5 M) was used for leaching, with a solid-to-liquid (S/L) ratio of 80 g/L, under 1 atm pressure for 30 minutes, and hydrogen peroxide (3% v/v) was added as a reductant. The effects of sodium sulfate concentration (0.08, 0.15, 0.33, and 0.5 M) and temperature (30, 40, 50, and 60°C) on lithium recovery were studied using ICP-OES. Results indicate that the addition of sodium sulfate increases the reaction rate, indicating a catalytic effect. The optimal condition with 0.15 M sodium sulfate yielded a recovery of 100% Li, 89.5% Ni, 84.9% Mn, and 100% Co, establishing the tolerable limit of sodium sulfate. The proposed kinetics model employs the Shrinking Particle Model for leaching Li, Ni, Mn, and Co, tested at temperatures of 30°C, 40°C, 50°C, and 60°C, with a cumulative SSE value of ≥ 6,61 x 10−2. Chemical reactions primarily control the leaching process, with activation energies of 31-35 kJ/mol for the product formation reaction and 36-38 kJ/mol for the reverse reaction.
Keywords: Spent NMC Batteries, Recycling, Hydrometallurgy, Sodium Sulfate, Wastewater.