Profile of Undergraduate Program
"To be a chemical engineering undergraduate program that produces graduates with good ethical value, national insight, international qualities, and the flexibility for self-development."
- educates the students in order to build excellent logical thinking through student-learning centered processes based on real societal and industrial problems
- promotes students’ personal development and entrepreneurial attitudes
- accelerate acclimatization to international environment
- prepare the students to attain competencies and awareness to take advantage of Indonesia natural resources in a sustainable manner
Program Educational Outcomes (PEO)
PEO are attributes expected to be attained by Chemical Engineering graduates after 5-years of working experience
- Fully comprehending values, attitudes, and ethics of chemical engineering professional
- Being able to identify, formulate, and solve chemical engineering problems as well as conduct engineering design by always upholding safety aspects and environmental sustainability with emphasizing natural resource utilization
- Being able to plan, organize, and perform experiments, and also to collect, analyze, and interpret data
- Being able and willing to follow the latest technology and using it for engineering practices, and to commit life-long learning
- Performing skills in communication and in teamwork and demonstrating leadership in multidisciplinary society
Program Outcomes
- An ability to apply basic sciences (physics, chemistry and biology), mathematics, material sciences and chemical engineering fundamentals in solving chemical engineering problems.
- An ability to develop substantiated conclusions, engineering decisions, and alternative of solutions on complex chemical engineering problems based on scientific knowledge, creativity/innovation, and chemical engineering first principles.
- An ability to apply the basics of process engineering which include product engineering and process design to meet a certain product specification by always upholding health, safety, economic, welfare, environmental sustainability, global and societal as well as cultural harmony.
- An ability to design and conduct experiments, and also to collect, analyze, and interpret the data to support engineering judgment.
- An ability to utilize appropriate techniques, information technology, and modern engineering tools to support engineering practices.
- Understanding of natural resource potentials based on material behaviors and properties and its sustainable utilization for the benefits of mankind.
- Commitment to uphold values, attitudes, and ethics of professional chemical engineers.
- An ability to function effectively in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams to strengthen leadership, establish goals, plan, accomplish and evaluate tasks under given constraints.
- An ability to effectively deliver ideas both orally as well as in written within engineering community and also within the society at large.
- Sufficient basics for continuous self-developments and following contemporary issues.
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