(Selective Ammonia Leaching on Nikel-Kobalt MHP Products from NMC Battery Recycling)
Oleh : Lenggo Geni Katlin Jambak (20/471628/PTK/13819) – Magister Teknik Kimia
Peningkatan penggunaan baterai litium-ion dalam skalaglobal menjadikanpengembangan dari bateri litium-ion menjadi semakin gencar. Pengembangan baterai litium-ion dapat dilakukan pada salah satu komponen penyusunyayaitu katoda. Banyak bahankatodayang telah dikembangkan salah satunya yaitunickel manganese cobalt(NMC).Baterai NMC memiliki masa pakaiyang lama hingga kelebihan darisegi penyimpananenerginya. Hal ini menjadikan peningkatan penggunaan baterai NMC lalu menyebabkanpenumpukkan limbah baterai NMC. Baterai NMC bekas mengandung bahan berbahaya jugamengandung logam berharga seperti nikel, kobalt, dan mangan yang dapatdidaur ulang untukbahan katoda baterai NMC. Prosedur hidrometalurgi dilakukan dengan metode selektifleaching menggunakan amonium. Amoniumsalah satu agenleachingyang dapat digunakanpada proses tersebut. Prosesleachingdilakukan dari produk antaranyayaitu mixed hydroxideprecipitate(MHP). Bentuk MHP memudahkanpemisahan dan menjadikan lebih selektif. Proses leachingdari MHP dilakukan dengan variasi suhu45ºC,60ºC, 75ºC, dan 90ºCsolid/liquid(S/L)5, 6, 7,8 g/L,dan konsentrasi ammonium sulfat1M, 1,25M, 1,5M, dan 2M.Dilakukan pengambilan sampel menit ke-5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, dan 180 menit. Dilakukan ujiInductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry(ICP-OES)terhadap sampel. Uji sampel dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan logamapa sajayang terdapat pada sampelcairan.Hasil uji sampeldiperolehrecoverylogam Ni 77,13%, dan Co 68,06%.Untuk kondisioptimum operasiyaitu pada suhu 90ºC, 5g/L S/L, dan konsentrasi amonium sulfat 2M.
Kata kunci: baterai NMC, selektifleaching, MHP.
The increasing use of lithium-ion batteries on aglobal scale hasled to more vigorousdevelopment of these batteries.The developmentof lithium-ion batteries can be focused onone of theircomponents, namely thecathode. Many cathode materials have been developed,one of which is nickelmanganesecobalt(NMC). NMC batteries have a long lifespan andadvantages in terms ofenergy storage. This has led to increased usage of NMC batteries, resulting in the accumulation of NMC battery waste. Used NMC batteriescontain hazardousmaterials as well as valuable metals such as nickel, cobalt, and manganese, which can berecycled for NMC battery cathodematerials. The hydrometallurgical procedure iscarried out using a selective leaching method with ammonium. Ammonium is one of the leaching agents that can be used in this process. The leaching process is performed on theintermediate product, which is mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP). The form of MHPfacilitates separation and makes the process more selective. The leaching process of MHP iscarried out with varying temperatures of 45ºC, 60ºC, 75ºC, and 90ºC, solid/liquid (S/L) ratios of 5, 6, 7, 8 g/L, andammonium sulfate concentrations of 1M, 1.25M, 1.5M, and 2M.Samples are taken at 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, and 180 minutes. The samples are tested using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry(ICP-OES) to determine themetal contents in the liquid samples. The testresults showed a metal recovery of 77.13% forNi and 68.06% for Co. The optimal operating conditions are at a temperature of 90ºC, an S/Lratio of 5g/L, and an ammonium sulfate concentration of 2M.
Keywords: NMC battery, selective leaching, MHP.