Ir. Sofiyah, M.T.
E-mail: sofi@ugm.ac.id
BIOGRAPHYSofiyah is one of the lecturers in Chemical Engineering Department of Universitas Gadjah Mada. She obtained her bachelor degree (1985) and master degree (1995) of engineering from Universitas Gadjah Mada. As a lecturer, she is currently teaching the chemical process in industry and analytical chemistry-instrumentation. Her main interest in research concentrated in chemical reaction engineering. Sofiyah is also active in joining industrial projects, community service as supervisor, and research grant. She has participated in PT. Kaltim Methanol Industry in making Guidelines for investment on biodiesel plants in Indonesia and helped PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara to study the market potential of Gas in Pekalongan-Pemalang-Tegal-Brebes area.
- Chemical Reaction Engineering
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